Fuck Trudeau flags

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The Fuck Trudeau flags were common at the protest, implying that he was responsible for the various mandates. Completely absent were anti-Ford signs concerning provincial mandates.

Flag sightings

Ottawa NF Jan 29.jpg

From: https://redd.it/sfrfav

Ottawa FT Jan 29.jpg

From: https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/obscene-slogans-spotted-at-trucker-convoy-sold-on-amazon-facebook-1.5766921

Ottawa FT and no QR Jan 29.jpg

From: https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/trudeau-flees-trucker-convoy-enters-184252097.html

Ottawa Building NF Jan 30.jpg

From: https://twitter.com/Justin_Ling/status/1487667177461321728

External Links